To prove the safety and efficacy of our product range we put the Curezma regime through the largest ever clinical safety & efficacy trials conducted for an Australian brand within over-the-counter (OTC) and Skincare Industry
Researchers at Princeton (PCR -UK) recorded the following ground-breaking results:
Reported instant reduction in dry or flaky skin*
Reported instant reduction in inflammation^
Witnessed improvement in skin barrier function*
*Based on clinical trials using instrumentation study ( Corneometer ,Tewameter & Chromameter) and self-perception questionnaire (SPQ) when used Curezma product regime
^Based on clinical trials for Curezma® Anti Flare Oil as a stand-alone product

Researchers at Princeton (PCR -UK) recorded the following ground-breaking results:
Experienced improvement in skin elasticity*
Reported relief from itching*
Saw an instant reduction in redness*
*Based on clinical trials using instrumentation study ( Corneometer ,Tewameter & Chromameter) and self-perception questionnaire (SPQ) when used Curezma product regime