Vote for Curezma in the 2024 Bounty Baby Awards!


We are thrilled to announce that the 2024 Bounty Baby Awards voting will commence from midday on Monday, 17th June (AEST)! This is an exciting opportunity for you to support our mission and help us reach more parents who are fighting the eczema battle.

Why Your Vote Matters

Our products, Curezma Baby + Kids Barrier Repair Serum and Baby + Kids Anti-Flare Oil, have been game-changers for many parents. These products provide relief and comfort to little ones suffering from eczema. However, there are still many parents out there who are unaware of the benefits our products can bring. By voting for us, you can help spread the word and bring relief to more families.

Categories We're Entered In

How to Vote

Voting is easy and only takes a few minutes. Follow these steps to cast your vote:

  1. Visit the voting landing page at The page will be live from midday on Monday, 17th June 2024.
  2. Find our products in the relevant categories:
    • Vote for Curezma Baby + Kids Barrier Repair Serum in the Best Baby Moisturiser category.
    • Vote for Curezma Baby + Kids Anti-Flare Oil in the Best Baby First Aid Product category.
  3. The submission requires you vote for 5 awards so pick three other categories you would like to vote for. Click the vote button and show your support!

We Need You!

We need your vote to help get our product out to all the parents who are struggling in the eczema battle. Our products have been transformative for many, but we want to reach even more families in need. Spare two minutes to vote and make a difference in the lives of other parents who are struggling and may not yet know about us. Your vote can help us spread the relief and comfort our products bring.

Vote Now

Voting Period: 17th June to 14th July 2024

Let’s make Curezma the go-to choice for parents everywhere!
Thank you for your support!